“Bi-flavoured” apple, cereal and strawberry milk shake
Ingredients for for approx. 4 glasses
Peeled and cored Modì Apple | 1
Large fresh strawberries | 10
Small peeled bananas | 2
Wholemeal cereal flakes* (rye, oats, barley, wheat) | 2-3 spoons
Agave syrup or honey to sweeten according to taste
Vegetable or dairy milk qs
Dice the bananas and the apple and add to the blender. Add cereal flakes, agave syrup and enough milk to obtain a velvety slightly dense milk shake.
Whizz up the diced and washed strawberries separately (if necessary add a few drops of milk).
Pour the apple and banana shake in the individual glasses alternating with the strawberry puree.
Decorate with fresh sliced strawberries, add a colourful straw and serve immediately!

*Instead of the mixed cereals you can use muesli or small oat flakes; you can also adjust the density of the shake adding more milk or more banana.
Green Recipe
Difficulty: Easy
Preparation: 5-6 min.
Ingredients for: for approx. 4 glasses
It’s Spring!
Strawberries and Modì Apples embrace in this bi-flavoured healthy delicious all natural milk shake.
Wholemeal cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and milk (vegetable milk, if you prefer!) are the simple ingredients for this super-fast recipe: lovely to look at and fun to savour.
Perfect to get the kids to eat some fruit too.
Suggested Recipes
Modì® is the brand name used for marketing the CIVG 198* variety
© Modì Europa S.r.L. | Via B. Bartok, 29/g – 44124 Ferrara, Italy | C.F.- P.IVA 01728980382 - C.C.I.A.A. Ferrara – Iscrizione R.E.A. N° 192644 - Iscrizione Reg.Imprese 01728980382 - Capitale Sociale 975.000 Euro i.v.