Cream of pumpkin and apple Halloween soup
Ingredients for For about 4 bowls
yellow pumpkin, cleaned and diced |400g (14 ounces)
carrot, peeled and cut into rounds | 1
Modì apple, peeled and chopped | ½
potato, peeled and diced | ½
scallion, sliced | ½
water or vegetable broth qs
salt and black pepper qs

To decorate: sour cream or natural yoghurt
Pour a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil into a casserole dish and stew the pumpkin, scallion, Modì apple and potato at medium heat for about two minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste and cover with a thread of water or vegetable broth. Leave the vegetables to cook, covered, for around 20 minutes or until they become tender. Reduce them to a cream with a hand-held liquidizer. If necessary, adjust the density of the cream to suit your tastes (for a thicker cream leave it to cook for an extra few minutes; for a more liquid soup, add more water or broth).
Pour the soup into 4 bowls: form concentric circles with cream or yoghurt and use a toothpick, starting from the centre towards the sides, to create the classic spider web pattern.
Green Recipe
Seasonal Recipe
Preparation: 25-30 minutes
Ingredients for: For about 4 bowls
The most terrifying night of the year becomes tinged with the colour orange for a creamy soup with a pleasantly unusual flavour.
Modì apple and pumpkin are the mystery seasonal ingredients concealed beneath a thin sour cream spider web. You can prepare it without spending too much time by the stoves, but the result will be frightfully tasty! Happy Halloween!
Suggested Recipes
Modì® is the brand name used for marketing the CIVG 198* variety
© Modì Europa S.r.L. | Via B. Bartok, 29/g – 44124 Ferrara, Italy | C.F.- P.IVA 01728980382 - C.C.I.A.A. Ferrara – Iscrizione R.E.A. N° 192644 - Iscrizione Reg.Imprese 01728980382 - Capitale Sociale 975.000 Euro i.v.